Papilloma: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

papilloma on the fingers

Skin growths are an alarming symptom for many people. And the papilloma becomes the cause of experiences in both the medical and aesthetic sense. Is it possible to get rid of such a pathology and how dangerous is it for the patient? Let's try to understand it below.

how to treat papillomas in the neck

What is it?

First you need to understand what papillomas are on the body. They are a benign tumor, and appear on the skin in the form of a growth. They can be painted in different shades: pink, beige, brown and red. The size of such a neoplasm varies from one millimeter to several centimeters (most often the diameter of the papilloma is from one to three centimeters). It is soft to the touch, it can resemble acne - inflammation of a local type. However, the nature of such formations is quite different.


Papillomas are able to rapidly change their size and affect nearby tissues. In addition, there are types of non-progressive neoplasms. Papillomas appear mainly on the legs, face, hands and mucous membranes. A little less often they occur in the trunk, very rarely such neoplasms are found in the internal organs (including the genitals).

Removal of papillomas is now performed in many clinics.

Reasons for submission

The reason why growths appear on the mucous membrane and skin, which in their shape resemble nipples, is the human papillomavirus or HPV. The virus is carried by about 90% of people worldwide. Many, being carriers of the pathology, do not even realize that they have it. The catalyst for the appearance of papillomas is a sharp decrease in immunity.


They are divided into several types, which is determined by the type of virus that caused the benign neoplasm:

  • classic warts - types 2 and 4;
  • flat warts - types 3 and 10;
  • warts - types 6 and 11.
laser for papilloma removal

Viruses 11 and 6 are included in the reduced risk group. Such pathologies are treated quite simply. However, there are also dangerous types of HPV that develop in later stages into a cancerous tumor of the cervix and dysplasia. To eliminate such risks, it is necessary to determine the reason for their formation. How to get rid of papillomas is of interest to many people.

How is the HPV virus transmitted?

Papilloma can be infected during family contact if you use the same sanitary items or are in contact with the skin of a virus carrier. However, most often papilloma transmission occurs through sexual contact. It is worth noting that even condoms do not help to avoid infection, because in this case contact with the mucous membrane and skin of the carrier is not excluded. The virus can also be caught in places characterized by a high concentration of moisture (spas, steam rooms, baths, public beaches, swimming pools).

Where to remove papillomas, we will tell at the end of the article.

professional papilloma removal

How to determine the presence of papillomas?

Sometimes during the "ripening" of the human papillomavirus, the patient may experience fever. However, in the most frequent cases, the incubation period ends imperceptibly and develops into the stage of the disease without any symptoms. It is possible to determine the presence of papilloma and its type only when the tumor has already formed. The types of papillomas and their signs are as follows:

  • wart (simple papilloma): the affected areas - legs and arms, are distinguished by a keratinized, dense surface, have a diameter of more than one millimeter, are painless;
  • papilloma of the mammary glands: characterized by the release of a colorless or bloody liquid from the nipples, well determined by a specialist through palpation;
  • the formations are flat: they can be smooth and rough, they resemble "flattened" external warts, they appear in the area under the breast, in the armpit and on the face, they cause pain and slight discomfort, the diameter - from three tofive millimeters;
  • filiform formations: they are distinguished by an elongated shape, often have a papilla at the end, cause unpleasant painful sensations during contact with clothing, appear in the eyes, armpits and neck, are elastic in nature;
  • pointed neoplasms: appear in the inguinal region and genitals, change to a pale pink color, the tip is pointed (from the outside they resemble a comb);
  • papillomas in the throat: appear on the mucous membrane of the larynx, pharynx and throat, preventing you from eating, speaking and breathing calmly;
  • leg papilloma: the neoplasm forms inside the patient's leg, it looks like a corn, but the color and structure of the corn are unnatural.
the doctor examines a patient with papilloma

papilloma treatment

It has already been noted above that it is impossible to remove such a virus from the human body. Currently, there is no drug that would completely eliminate HPV. You can suppress the manifestations of the infection only by sufficiently strengthening your immune system. You can only deal with the consequences of the infection that has occurred. Thus, one should talk only about the struggle with external manifestations, and not their source.

How are papillomas treated?

Conservative therapy

Conservative therapy of HPV includes the use of antiviral agents and immunomodulators. Immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed only after establishing the cellular sensitivity to the drugs and determining the status of the human immune system.

The tools that have gained wide popularity and are able to deal with the manifestations of HPV are:

  • antiviral ointment for papilloma;
  • inducers that synthesize interferon;
  • drugs with carcinogenic effect;
  • immunomodulating agents with a specific effect.
laser papilloma removal

In addition, for the purpose of HPV therapy, an agent is prescribed, whose active ingredient is a purine derivative and has not only an antiviral effect, but also an immunostimulatory one. It is also prescribed for children whose age is more than three years. Effective in case of papillomas in the genital area and larynx. Among the popular methods of treating papillomas, which doctors refer to with disdain, include:

  • echinacea infusions;
  • rose hip decoctions and herbal preparations.

Strengthening immunity

Such funds also have a positive effect on immunity, helping to strengthen it and have a generally healing effect. However, a number of popular methods cannot be called safe. Moreover, treatment with tinctures and decoctions without medicine is a serious mistake. Due to the fact that patients go to the doctor out of time, malignant formations can appear that can be identified and destroyed in the early stages.

Taking drugs must necessarily be accompanied by the elimination of the direct source of infection, but not with the help of creams or ointments, but only surgically.

Consider the treatment of papillomas in folk ways.

The most effective folk remedies

Currently, people do not always trust the tools of modern medicine and often prefer to use proven folk methods of treatment. First of all, you should remember that HPV is a consequence of weak immunity, so you should take care of it first and only after that - of the cosmetic defects of the pathology. How to remove papillomas at home, the doctor can also show.

electrocoagulation as a method for papilloma removal
  • Immunity is strengthened with a solution made from garlic: 500 grams of vegetables must be chopped, pour the same amount of unrefined sunflower oil, insist in a cool place for about three days. After that, add barley grains (300 grams) to the resulting mixture. You should take this medicine in a teaspoon every day before meals. A monthly course is recommended. How else to get rid of papillomas?
  • Rowan. These grains should be rubbed into the papilloma and the procedure should be done as often as possible. The disadvantage of this method is that the product is seasonal.
  • A good remedy for papillomas are potato fruits. This vegetable is famous for its medicinal properties. Drink freshly squeezed potato juice (100 ml) on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. In a month, the papillomas will decrease, while the protection of the human body will be restored.
  • An excellent way to get rid of neoplasms is celandine. The freshly squeezed juice of this plant should be applied to the papilloma and this procedure should be repeated several times a day. The warts fall off after a few days, but you can't pick them off yourself.
  • Laundry soap for papillomas on the body. It should be applied to problem areas in a thick layer every evening. The papillomas will become drier in the morning, then they will dry out completely.
  • Papilloma can be dried with medical alcohol. The neck of the bottle should be applied to the injured area and kept for a few minutes. Such a procedure will help remove a benign tumor.
  • Another remedy for papillomas - a variety of essential oils will also help in the fight against an unpleasant growth. To do this, every day you need to apply two drops of oil (lavender, tea tree, lemon, eucalyptus) to the affected area. Such manipulations are carried out for about two weeks, if more time is required for recovery, you can extend the course for another week. Essential oils are not recommended for use in the treatment of childhood papillomas. A child's delicate skin may react negatively to the components of essential oils. Removing papillomas at home is a long process.
  • According to the principle of laundry soap, tar is used. Such a remedy is useful in that it contains ten percent of birch tar. Thanks to this, the papillomas dry up, the inflammation is eliminated and there is no scar left in the affected area. Many people complain about the smell of soap, but it disappears very quickly. The product must be stored in a closed container.
  • In addition to papilloma ointments, threading is also often used. This method has been used for a long time, but in modern medicine it does not receive approval. With the help of a thread, the base is tied and blood access to the papilloma is blocked. However, such manipulations can worsen the situation, an infection can be introduced, so it is still undesirable to carry them out.
  • Iodine is another antiseptic that can only be used in the cold season to avoid sunlight on the papilloma. To protect the adjacent areas of the skin, you should coat them with an oily cream. After that, you can carry out the procedure: soak a cotton swab in an iodine solution and attach it to the neoplasm, hold it for about a minute. After a few manipulations, the papilloma will dry up and soon disappear. We considered how to treat papillomas with folk remedies.
ointment for removing papillomas

To increase the effect, you should add decoctions of wild rose, string and calendula to the diet. This helps strengthen the immune system and helps eliminate papillomas.

Where to remove papillomas?

Of course, private clinics have more modern equipment than state medical institutions. That is why many use their services, do not pay too much attention to the high cost. But in addition, the location of the growths should be taken into account.

An intact papilloma is considered only a cosmetic problem, so its removal is not free. If it bleeds, is inflamed, causes pain and itching, then this is already a threat to the patient's health. For the removal of such an increase, money is usually not charged.